Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jackson Springs Park

            I really enjoyed our time at Jackson Springs Park. It is such a nice getaway place in the middle of Macon. It's like your in another world down there. My favorite part of the lab was learning about the history of the area : Shirley Hills (the most affluent), Highland Hills (the more middle class but still really nice), and Fort Hill (what became the projects in Macon), and learning that there used to be a zoo where the Baconsfield Kroger is located. How bizarre is that? Macon used to have a zoo! I'm glad this little part was saved. It would be a beautiful place for a photo shoot.

             I also enjoy breaking apart the rocks and seeing the different make ups of them. With the pick axes it almost felt like we were in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, despite its lack of political correctness. And going through the tunnel to and coming out on the other side of the road was pretty awesome too!

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